At Reclaim we offer a wide range of expert physiotherapy services including:
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Men’s Health Physiotherapy
- Women’s Health Physiotherapy
- Paediatric Physiotherapy
- Neurological Physiotherapy
- Home, Hydro, Gym and Workplace visits.
Our highly qualified musculoskeletal physiotherapists are trained in the latest evidence based techniques to ensure a more accurate diagnosis, treatment and the quickest possible recovery.
Just some of the techniques they are trained in include:
- Mulligan manual therapy
- Trigger point therapy
- Myofascial releases
- Positional release techniques
- Maitland mobilisations
- Myofascial slings
- Fascial manipulation
- Acupuncture
- Dry Needling
- Kinesiology taping
- Rigid sports strapping
- Muscle energy technique’s
- Lymphoedema therapy – complex decongestive therapy
- Lymphatic drainage
- Functional movement screening
- Watson Headache Approach
All our Physiotherapists are trained to assess and treat the cause of your problem, not just the symptoms.
We offer private consultation rooms where you can freely discuss your condition and have a one-on-one policy whereby we wont be treating 2-3 patients at a time.
We also don’t use a heat pack and TENS machine and just leave you, we ensure its quality hands on physiotherapy so you get what you pay for.